Jason Szanyi is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Children’s Law and Policy, where he works to achieve the Center’s mission of eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in the youth justice system, implementing alternatives to incarceration, and ending dangerous and inhumane conditions for youth in custody. Since joining the Center in 2009, Jason has worked with or trained officials in over two dozen states, cities, and counties. He provides long-term technical assistance to jurisdictions that are implementing systems change, in addition to engaging in research, writing, and administrative and legislative advocacy for youth justice reform. In 2015, Jason was recognized by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation as a Next Generation Champion for Change for his leadership in youth justice reform.
Jason originally joined the Center as a Skadden Fellow through a partnership with the District of Columbia Public Defender Service’s Juvenile Services Program. Jason has lectured on the juvenile justice system at several law schools and universities, and he has served as a Wasserstein Public Interest Fellow at Harvard Law School. Jason is a graduate of Northwestern University and Harvard Law School.
Selected Writing
Applying the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ Resolution to Juvenile Probation Reform, 5(2) Translational Issues in Psychological Science 170 (2019) (with Naomi Goldstein et al.).
Stop Solitary for Kids: The Path Forward to End Solitary Confinement of Children, in Protecting Children Against Torture in Detention: Global Solutions for a Global Problem (American University Washington College of Law, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 2017) (with Jennifer Lutz and Mark Soler)
Standing Up to Sexual Misconduct: An Advocacy Toolkit to End the Sexual Abuse of Children in Juvenile Facilities, August 2015
Stepping Back from Solitary Confinement, University of Baltimore School of Law Center for Families, Children, and the Courts, Aug. 1, 2012.
Sentencing Children to Die in Prison is Cruel and Unusual Punishment, JURIST, Apr. 9, 2012
Bringing Justice to India’s Children: Three Reforms to Bridge Practices with Promises in India’s Juvenile Justice System, 14 U.C. Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy 107 (2010) (with Erika J. Rickard).
Phone: (202) 637-0377 ext. 108
Email: jszanyi@cclp.org