Our Mission

About Us
Our staff members are working to create a world where the response to youth who get in trouble with the law is developmentally appropriate, free of racial and ethnic bias, and focused on building strengths that help youth thrive in their own communities. Our staff members pursue a range of different activities to achieve these goals, including training, technical assistance, administrative and legislative advocacy, research, writing, media outreach, and public education.

Eliminating Racial & Ethnic Disparities
CCLP staff members are working with several jurisdictions on strategies to reduce and eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the youth justice systems.
Ending Dangerous Conditions
CCLP works throughout the country to expose and stop abuses of incarcerated youth. Our staff also work to ensure that the small number of youth who are placed out of home receive the services and supports they need.

Ending Dangerous Conditions
CCLP works throughout the country to expose and stop abuses of incarcerated youth. Our staff also work to ensure that the small number of youth who are placed out of home receive the services and supports they need.

Creating Alternatives to Incarceration
CCLP staff work to help jurisdictions shift away from incarceration and out of home placement to supporting youth and families in their own communities.

Join the Center for Children’s Law and Policy in changing the lives of youth.
Your support helps protect vulnerable children from harm and creates environments where they are encouraged to grow and succeed. Be a force for good. Make your gift today.
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Get In Touch
Mailing Address:
4196 Merchant Plaza, #812
Woodbridge, VA 22192
Physical Address:
1701 K Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 637-0377